The Next Step Campaign
What is this Campaign?
Next Step Supporters
Donate to The Next Step Campaign
For more than twenty-four years the Daytona Rescue Mission has partnered with individuals, churches and businesses in our community to provide help and hope to hundreds of men, women and children every year. Since 1992 thousands of meals have been provided to hungry people, clothing, counseling and other tangible services. Most important, every day – with the generous support of our partners – God is putting broken lives back together. We receive no United Way or Government funding.
Next Step Campaign
The Daytona Rescue Mission’s Next Step Campaign will provide the resources to renovate the Mission’s facilities to dramatically expand services to the poor and homeless in our community. When completed, the Campaign will increase Daytona Rescue Mission's kitchen and dining room space, create new space to create a new 6 month practical Bible training Program. This exciting program will help men put their broken lives back together.
The goal for the campaign is $3,000.000 The project will be implemented by phases, which will be initiated as funds become available.
Campaign Summary
Over the next few years, DRM will raise $3,000,000 to renovate existing space to vastly increase services and capacity. When the project is completed, Daytona Rescue Mission will be able provide hundreds of meals daily for hungry people, and be able to enroll over 100 men in a dynamic and effective In-house practical Bible training program. Our goal is to provide the necessary facilities that will enable our dedicated staff and volunteers to conduct effective programs to see lives transformed. Graduates of Daytona Rescue Mission programs will leave our program and go back into the community with the skills and resources they need to provide for themselves and their families. The goal of Next Step is a changed life for hundreds of our lost and hurting neighbors.
Next Step Capital Campaign Plan
The Campaign has been organized into four phases, each to be completed in sequence as funds become available:
Phase 1 - Costs $500,000
(First $100,000 will start us off.)
Furnish Living Facility.
Update DRM’s Commercial Kitchen.
Expand Meal Services.
Create New Space for Food Pantry and Kitchen Storage.
24/7 Oversight Staffing
Phase 2 - Costs $500,000
Create Living Space that houses over 100 Men. (Spaces include Practical Sleep Facilities, Library & Study Rooms, Comfortable Living Area And a Clothing Distribution Center)
Practical Bible Training For Life Skills
Phase 3 - Costs $1,500,000
New Building for a life skills training center. This phase is absolutely essential for life change. (It accommodates up to 500 people with flexibility to expand as needed).
Many Classrooms for them to develop vital skills to succeed.
Phase 4 - Costs $500,000
Office Equipment and Computer Rooms for Training. Office spaces upgrade & Needed Remodeling.
Campaign Goal
Total campaign goal is $3,000,000 which includes all the described renovation phases, as well as initial costs for expanded paid staff as residential programs come on line.
OUR Next Step
The Daytona Rescue Mission is looking for hundreds of friends to partner with us in this exciting and crucially important campaign. We are seeking pledges of 3 to 5 years to meet our goal. Specially We are looking for partners to invest in the Next Step Campaign at the following levels:
1 to 2 - $250,000 to $500,000
3 to 5-$100,000 to $200,000
5 to 10- $50,000 to $100,000
15 +-$20,000 to $50,000
20+ - $10,000 to $20,000
25+ - $5,000 to $10,000
Donate to The Next Step Campaign